The Conference Goals listed below are focused on three vital Priority Areas: (PA-1) Building Community; (PA-2) Training, Education & Workforce Development; (PA-3) Exchanging Research & Ideas. In line with those PAs, the goals of the conference are:
- [PA-1] Attract and recruit diverse early career researchers to engage with the semiconductor (photo)electrochemistry community.
- [PA-1] Develop a sense of community and belonging for early career scientists in the field.
- [PA-1] Reinforce the need for educators/mentors to positively influence early career scientists and help them reach their career goals.
- [PA-1] Making sure early career researchers are heard, respected, and develop a sense of belonging in the community.
- [PA-1] Identify and disseminate future research directions for the field.
- [PA-2] Forge new relationships between disciplinary labs to tackle grand challenges.
- [PA-2] Clarify terminology and concepts in the field of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry for a diverse group of students and researchers.
- [PA-3] Define knowledge gaps in “Gerischer” electrochemistry.
- [PA-3] Discuss state-of-the-art research.
- [PA-3] Create opportunities for researchers at all experience levels to explore new directions and ideas that address the grand challenges associated with solar to chemical energy conversion.
The meeting format is designed to promote education of graduate students/postdocs in the interdisciplinary field of semiconductor electrochemistry and encourage facile exchange of recent scientific results. The technical sessions will encompass both theory and experiment on structure, dynamics and energetics of charge transfer at semiconductor and/or metal interfaces. The conference talks and poster sessions will focus on the elementary steps of light absorption, electrical charge generation, and charge transport within molecules and materials, including those with significant nanostructured composition. The meeting will bring together leaders in the field of organic and inorganic photochemistry and photocatalysis, photoinduced electron and energy transfer in the condensed phase and across interfaces, photoelectrochemistry, and artificial photosynthesis.
The Organizing Committee is an international group of early career, mid-career, and senior scientists who have expertise in conference organization and the research topics that will be covered in this Symposium.
Conference Co-chairs
- Justin B. Sambur, Colorado State University
- Katharina Brinkert, University of Warwick
- Shu Hu, Yale University
- Michael Rose, UT-Austin
- Katarzyna Skorupska, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Scientific Committee
- Jan van de Lagemaat, NREL
- Nathan Neale, NREL
- Garry Rumbles, NREL
- Mark Spitler, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Art Nozik, NREL
The 2nd Gerischer Electrochemistry Today Symposium meeting will provide a welcoming and safe environment for students, postdocs, national laboratory researchers and faculty at all career stages. We expect attendees to obey a clear list of principles, as defined below.
To foster open scientific communication, conference participants agree that any information shared during formal talks, poster sessions, or discussions is considered private communication from the contributor. This information is presented with the understanding that it is not intended for public use. Before quoting or publishing any content from the conference in any form—be it written or electronic—written approval must be obtained from the contributing member. Recording audio or video of lectures, capturing photography of slides or posters, and quoting from papers, presentations, or discussions without the written consent of the contributing member is strictly prohibited. The preparation of scientific publications claiming to originate from the conferences is discouraged, and authors are requested to exclude references to the conferences in any subsequent publications, whether written or electronic. These restrictions are applicable to all conference participants and extend to various platforms such as social networks, blogs, tweets, or any other means of publication, distribution, communication, or information sharing related to the conference. Every conference participant acknowledges and agrees to these restrictions upon acceptance of registration, as a condition of being granted attendance at the conference.
We strive for a conference environment with open and genuine intellectual discourse, emphasizing inclusivity. The Conference Co-Chairs will encourage attendees and guests of the meeting to abide by Colorado State University’s Principles of Community:
- Inclusion: We create and nurture inclusive environments and welcome, value and affirm all members of our community, including their various identities, skills, ideas, talents and contributions
- Integrity: We are accountable for our actions and will act ethically and honestly in all our interactions.
- Respect: We honor the inherent dignity of all people within an environment where we are committed to freedom of expression, critical discourse and the advancement of knowledge.
- Social Justifice: We have the right to be treated and the responsibility to treat others with fairness and equity, the duty to challenge prejudice and to uphold the laws, policies and procedures that promote justice in all respects.
Each member of the conference has a responsibility to uphold these principles when engaging with one another.
Discrimination and Harassment Policy
The Gerischer meeting will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. The conference organizers will not tolerate illegal or inappropriate behavior, including harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment. We will condemn inappropriate acts or comments that demean another person for reasons of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, age or disability. Section 2 of the Colorado State University’s (CSU) University Discrimination and Harassment Policy defines whether a particular course of conduct constitutes discrimination or harassment.
We expect all conference attendees and guests to abide by Colorado State University’s (CSU) discrimination and harassment policy. Colorado State University (CSU) is a land-grant institution committed to offering access in its educational, scholarly and outreach activities to all individuals representative of our multi-cultural society and providing an environment of excellence in which all individuals can participate to the full level of their capabilities, realize their aspirations and contribute to the global society in which we live. In this pursuit, the University is committed to providing an environment that respects the dignity and worth of every member of its community and strives to create and maintain a work and study environment that is equitable, inclusive, and responsible so that each member of the University community is treated with dignity and respect and is rewarded for relevant considerations such as ability and performance. As a means of achieving these goals and to prevent harm arising from discrimination and harassment, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and retaliation, by or against any member of or visitor to CSU.
Discrimination and harassment are very serious matters that can have far-reaching, current and future impact on the lives, educational experience, and careers of individuals. Intentionally false accusations can have a similar impact. Discrimination and harassment are strictly prohibited by the University and will not be tolerated. An individual who impermissibly discriminates against another, or an individual who knowingly and intentionally files a complaint under this policy containing false statements or information, is subject to university discipline. We reserve the right to remove an individual from the event without warning or refund, prohibit attendance at future Gerischer Electrochemistry Today meetings, and notify the individual’s employer. The conference organizers will work with professionals in CSU’s Office of Equal Opportunity to resolve discrimination or harassment issues and/or complaints.
Reporting Discrimination or Harassment
Any meeting attendee or guest who is directly involved in, observes, or reasonably believes that discrimination or harassment may have occurred can submit a report to CSU’s Office of Equal Opportunity. Anyone may report an incident of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment as follows:
- In person: Office of Equal Opportunity 101 Student Services Building Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523
- By telephone: 970-491-5836
- By postal mail: Office of Equal Opportunity 0160 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-0160
- By email: oeo@colostate.edu
University Confidential Support for Faculty and Staff
Office of the Ombuds 316 General Service Building Fort Collins, CO 80523 Phone: (970) 491-1527
The conference organizers will work with professionals in CSU’s Office of Equal Opportunity to resolve discrimination or harassment issues and/or complaints.
- Art Nozik (NREL)
- Bruce Parkinson (University of Wyoming)
- Krishnan Rajeshwar (UT-Arlington)
- Mark Spitler (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Helmut Tributsch (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, pre-recorded virtual talk)
- Wolfram Jaegermann (TU-Darmstadt)
- Stephen Maldonado (Michigan)
- Frances Houle (Lawrence Berkely National Lab)
- Sophia Haussener (EPFL)
- James Cahoon (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Shane Ardo (UC-Irvine)
- Erin Ratcliff (Arizona)
- Thomas Hannappel (TU-Ilmenau)
- Gerald Meyer (UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Shannon Boettcher (Oregon)
- Rob Coridan (Arkansas)
- Jim Mayer (Yale)
- Yogi Surendrenath (MIT)
- Francesca Toma (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon)
- Tanja Cuk (CU-Boulder)
- Tim Lian (Emory)
- Scott Cushing (Caltech)
- Roel van de Krol (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- Amber Krummel (Colorado State University)
- Andrés Montoya-Castillo (CU-Boulder)
- Jao van de Lagemaat (NREL)
- Prashant Kamat (Notre Dame)
- Dunwei Wang (Boston College)
- Kyoung-Shin Choi (UW-Madison)
- Dan Esposito (Columbia)
- Tom Hamann (Michigan State)
- Dan Frisbie (Minnesota)
Panel Discussion Topics
- Who were Heinz Gerischer and Joachim Lewerenz, and what is their legacy on semiconductor electrochemistry?
- PEC Principles in Action.
- A novel approach to separate and utilize charge carriers is…
Technical Sessions
- Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry Bootcamp
- PECs in Action
- Charge separation strategies beyond built-in electric fields
- Catalysis, interfacial fields, surface states
- Electrode stability and passivation layers
- New Frontiers in Electrode/Electrolyte Interface Measurements.
- The impact of ultrathin 2D materials on semiconductor electrochemistry
- Hot off the press! Lightning talks from early career researchers.