2nd Gerischer Electrochemistry Today Symposium

“Semiconductor Electrochemistry: From Gerischer to Lewerenz and Beyond”

August 6 – 8, 2024
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

This symposium honors the scientific legacies of Heinz Gerischer and Achim Lewerenz, who contributed to the fundamental understanding of semiconductor electrochemistry, photoelectrochemical solar cells, and fuel generating systems. The meeting will bring together approximately 100 chemists, physicists, engineers, and materials scientists who are interested in the materials, processes, and interfaces in (photo)electrochemical solar energy conversion systems.

We are accepting abstracts on a rolling basis. There are limited spots and we expect them to fill up, so apply ASAP!


The $300 registration fee includes daily breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and two evening receptions at CSU’s Canvas Stadium and the Agave Room at the Rio Grande Restaurant.

More Information Coming Soon

Organizing Committee:

Katharina Brinkert, University of Warwick
Nathan S. Lewis, Caltech
Bruce A. Parkinson, University of Wyoming
Laurie Peter, University of Bath
Justin B. Sambur, Colorado State University
Katarzyna Skorupska, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society

Scientific Committee
Shane Ardo, UC-Irvine
Matt Beard, NREL
Shannon Boettcher, University of Oregon
Gordana Dukovic, University of Colorado-Boulder
Thomas Hannappel, TU-Ilmenau
Sophia Haussener, EPFL
Prashant Kamat, Notre Dame
Roel van de Krol, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Jan van de Lagemaat, NREL
Stephen Maldonado, University of Michigan
Garry Rumbles, NREL
Ian Sharp, Technical University of Munich
Mark Spitler, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Art Nozik, NREL