The Conference Goals listed below are focused on three vital Priority Areas: (PA-1) Building Community; (PA-2) Training, Education & Workforce Development; (PA-3) Exchanging Research & Ideas. In line with those PAs, the goals of the conference are:
- [PA-1] Attract and recruit diverse early career researchers to engage with the semiconductor (photo)electrochemistry community.
- [PA-1] Develop a sense of community and belonging for early career scientists in the field.
- [PA-1] Reinforce the need for educators/mentors to positively influence early career scientists and help them reach their career goals.
- [PA-1] Making sure early career researchers are heard, respected, and develop a sense of belonging in the community.
- [PA-1] Identify and disseminate future research directions for the field.
- [PA-2] Forge new relationships between disciplinary labs to tackle grand challenges.
- [PA-2] Clarify terminology and concepts in the field of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry for a diverse group of students and researchers.
- [PA-3] Define knowledge gaps in “Gerischer” electrochemistry.
- [PA-3] Discuss state-of-the-art research.
- [PA-3] Create opportunities for researchers at all experience levels to explore new directions and ideas that address the grand challenges associated with solar to chemical energy conversion.
The meeting format is designed to promote education of graduate students/postdocs in the interdisciplinary field of semiconductor electrochemistry and encourage facile exchange of recent scientific results. The technical sessions will encompass both theory and experiment on structure, dynamics and energetics of charge transfer at semiconductor and/or metal interfaces. The conference talks and poster sessions will focus on the elementary steps of light absorption, electrical charge generation, and charge transport within molecules and materials, including those with significant nanostructured composition. The meeting will bring together leaders in the field of organic and inorganic photochemistry and photocatalysis, photoinduced electron and energy transfer in the condensed phase and across interfaces, photoelectrochemistry, and artificial photosynthesis.