Welcome to Chemistry!
before you arrive
RAMp Up paperwork, setup netID and email
Department Safety Info
safety and evacuation plan for all employees and grad students.
Lab & Research Safety
Complete RAMp Up paperwork
RAMp Up is an online CSU system that welcomes you to the CSU community and walks you through important forms and policies to prepare you for your first day.
NetID and Email Setup
Once hired, you’ll be provided with a 9-digit CSU ID number. Visit here to setup your NetID and CSU email address or to change your password.
Accessing CSU Systems
- aar.is.colostate.edu
- Quick access to many CSU programs, such as Kuali, Timeclock Plus and the Human Resources Portal.
- DUO: Two Factor Authentication
- Directions for setting up two factor authentication on your cell phone or other electronic device.
- GlobalProtect VPN or Gateway
- This VPN allows you access to CSU systems while off campus.
- Microsoft 365, Google Apps for CSU and Email Alias, and Name Changes
- Resources for utilizing Microsoft 365, Google apps for CSU, Email Alias, and Name Changes.
Obtain RamCard
Jess Means, key manager and onboarding coordinator, will provide details via the New Employee Welcome-Onboarding email you’ll receive a week prior to your start date, and will include an Account Info Slip to cover the fee.
A RamCard is your CSU ID card, and a key card for key card clearance areas. Known key card clearances will be added to your RamCard shortly prior to your arrival. Request additional key card clearances and metal keys via submission of a Preliminary Key Request Form.
New Employee Checklist
This checklist is a great tool for those first few weeks in your new position. Talk to your supervisor, team, or department staff as questions arise.
Chemistry Department Employee Onboarding Checklist
University Employee Onboarding Checklists:
Building Access & Security Policy
This policy provides information about building access and security.
CSU Red Folder: 911 and Emergency Guide
This quick guide provides phone numbers, links and emergency service resources available at CSU.
Safety Manual
This manual provides emergency contact information, safety plans, lab policies and procedures as well as best practices for a safe working environment.
Evacuation Plan
The evacuation plan includes procedures, maps of buildings and each floor for exits and rally points.
Accidents and Near Misses
For ALL accidents/near misses:
- please fill out the Safety Concern/Near Miss Report http://rmi.prep.colostate.edu/incident-reporting/
- for minor first aid (cuts/etc.) OR to report a near-miss (accident could have happened)
- Once reported to EHS, please utilize the Chemistry Incident Reports Upload to submit a copy of your EHS near-miss report.
Injured or Safety Risk?:
- Dial 911, as appropriate
- Worker’s Compensation Incident or Claim? Use this form to report an incident or work-related injury to a CSU employee, which happened as part of their CSU paid work duties.
- If you want your medical to be considered for coverage under the Workers’ Compensation Program, it is required that you seek medical care from one of CSU’s Authorized Treating Physicians. Please utilize this list for local providers.
Lab Safety Checklist
Please click here for a safety checklist of common questions and safety priorities as you begin your research at CSU. Please work directly with your lab supervisor and colleagues to ensure appropriate training and information is provided to you.
Environmental Health Services (EHS)
- CAMS – Chemical Acquisition and Management
- For those assigned to order chemicals for the lab, this link is for a quick training that is required BEFORE you can order thru the CAMS system in Kuali.
- Hazardous Waste Generator Training-Online
- For wet labs, Hazardous Waste Generator Training-Online is a REQUIRED TRAINING.
Safety and Compliance
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- RCR training is a MANDATORY requirement for all new postdoctoral fellows. The approved convenient online CITI Program RCR Training Instructions can be found here.
- CSU has a Face-to-Face (F2F) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training REQUIREMENT if the source of your salary funding is from National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), or USDA – NIFA. If this requirement applies to you, Cindy Ungerman will notify you via email, which will include approved course information.
Vice President for Research
- Research Core Facilities
- CORES provides a list of various research infrastructure and facilities available throughout campus.
- Student Programs
- There are various programs to get involved in research and grow academically and professionally, such as grad shows, VPR fellowships, and CURC (Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity).
General Information:
- General Waste and Disposal Handling Policies
- Mail – outgoing bin in Chemistry B115B. Mailboxes located near main office assigned upon arrival.
- Who to Contact – list of accounting and admin staff for additional support.
More resources and guidelines for all employees, faculty and students can be found here: https://www.chem.colostate.edu/resources-guidelines/
IT Access and Department Support
- DUO: Two Factor Authentication
- directions for setting up two factor authentication on your cell phone or other electronic device.
- Global Protect VPN
- this VPN allows you access to CSU systems while off campus.
- Office 365, Google Apps and other account access
- resources for utilizing Office 365, Google apps, changing your password, and general information about your email account(s).
Benefits and Health Insurance Questions
New employees – https://hr.colostate.edu/current-employees/benefits/
Grad students – https://graduateschool.colostate.edu/policies-and-procedures/health-insurance/
Commitment to Campus
C2C offers a wide range of programs, discounts and special benefits to CSU employees. These opportunities are offered to:
- Promote employee health, wellness, and personal advancement
- Engage employees in the life of the University
- Connect employees and students outside the classroom
- Enrich participation in campus programs, classes, and events
- Reward employees for their service and involvement in the CSU community
Parking & Transportation Services
The closest parking location to the Chemistry Building is the Lake Street Parking Garage, located on the southeast corner of Center Drive and Lake Street. Parking & Transportation Services offers several employee parking permit options. Their office is located in the Lake Street Parking Garage in the southwest corner of the building, or you can purchase a parking permit online.