The mission of academic advising in our department is to facilitate student success with best impact practices and holistic approaches, guide students through their scientific journey, and engage them in research and scholarly activities as they become professional chemists.

If you have any of the following questions, please follow the instructions below:

  • Advising Code for Registration: Please check your RAMweb account to know who your current academic advisor is. Contact your advisor via email, share your academic plan and request the advising code. If Carlos Olivo-Delgado is your advisor, please email him at with your next term plan so he can approve it and grant you the advising code.
  • Summer Session: If you are interested in registering for classes over the summer, please note that you do not need an advising code. You may email your advisor, share your plan for the summer, and register for classes.
  • Minor: If you want to process a change of major or declare a minor, please email advisor Carlos Olivo to schedule an appointment.
  • Change of Major: If you want to process a change of major or declare a minor, please email advisor Carlos Olivo to schedule an appointment.
  • Transfer Credit Evaluation:  If you need your credits from other institutions to be evaluated as direct equivalent to CSU courses, please send the syllabi of the courses to Carlos Olivo and request the evaluation. The syllabi will be sent to the corresponding division for consideration and we will get back to you with the decision.
  • Other Matters: Please share your academic advising questions via email to Carlos Olivo.

Key Advisor – Carlos Olivo-Delgado

Office: Chemistry A104
Phone: 970-491-0722

Advising Hours

Current Students: In-person drop-in advising will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.  Feel free to stop by the office in CHEM A104.

Prospective Students: Please email Carlos Olivo. Include date and time when you are interested in visiting our department and your contact information. A virtual meeting may also be scheduled for your convenience.  Let us know what time and date works best for you.