General questions?  Please call 970-491-6381 or email for assistance.

Building Issues to report? During office hours, please contact Kim Lodge at or 970-491-2873.

Urgent issues after hours? Please call Facilities Dispatch at 970-491-0077. The on-call message will provide additional phone numbers, dependent upon the issue.

Accounting Office

The accounting office is responsible for processing payroll actions, Kuali and PCARD purchases and reimbursements. The team also assists faculty with grant proposals and account management.

Administration Office

The administrative team supports the department in a variety of ways.  Below is a list of who to contact:

  • Kristin Berthold: Executive Assistant to the Chair – HR liaison for Family Medical Leave, hiring coordination for faculty
  • Hannah Gluckstern: Communication and Events Coordinator – social media manager, website administrator, articles about Chemistry happenings, alumni engagement, Chemistry events
  • Kim Lodge: Office Manager – Assistant Building Proctor, Time Clock Plus Liaison, Worker’s Comp filing/incident occurrence
  • Kathy Lucas: Graduate Coordinator – graduate admissions
  • Jess Means: Key manager, Hiring Coordinator – onboarding/offboarding, Telecommunications Coordinator, Back-up Assistant Building Proctor
  • Janis Vazquez del Mercado: Travel (authorization and reimbursement docs) and Textbook coordinator, front desk reception, reserve rooms, projectors, laptops, or Owls, ordering supplies
  • Elle York:  Research Seminar Coordinator, REU coordinator, undergrad research opportunity coordinator, Commencement Coordinator, Curricular Program Coordinator

Red Folder: CSU 911 Employee Guide

This quick guide provides phone numbers, links and emergency service resources available at CSU.

Preliminary Key Request Form

for all affiliations except undergraduate students

Undergraduate Preliminary Key Request Form

for undergraduate students

First Time Traveling Form and Tips – for all STUDENTS

  • Read and fill out this form and send to your admin.
    • we will set up a TRAVEL PROFILE for you prior to your first trip.

PRE-TRIP Travel Form

  • submit this form prior to travel.  Required to create a travel authorization in Kuali.

POST-TRIP Travel Form

  • submit this form upon return for reimbursement.

Travel and Absence Memo (Faculty and Staff)

  • submit this form prior to arrival for department notification and chair approval.
  • if traveling for business, whether paid by CSU or a 3rd party, please ensure that you fill out the pre-trip travel form so a travel authorization can be created.

Chemistry has implemented a Proposal Submission Form for faculty to fill out initially for their planned proposals.

The Department of Chemistry has two research proposal coordinators, Terri Frank and Jordan Foster, on staff to help investigators with their applications. You can email Terri Frank and Jordan Foster about upcoming research funding submittals at

Safety Documents

Additional safety information can be found here.

Accessing CSU Systems


  • access to Chemistry and CNS unit identifiers and logos
  • power point and poster templates
  • CSU and CNS branding and style guides


  • submit a ticket to request support, find user guides, and various information about systems, VPN, cloud storage, etc.

Faculty/Staff Website Biography – Directory Login

  • faculty/staff access to updating profile picture, title, website, google scholar profile, CV, education, and brief biography (text only).

Mental Health and Well-Being Resources

If you are a CSU student experiencing a mental health crisis, please call (970) 491-6053 to speak with a crisis counselor.

Crisis resources are also available to all members of the community through Colorado Crisis Services at 844-493-8255 or texting “TALK” to 38255. Dial 988 anytime to access the National Suicide Prevention Line. For additional information:

Telephone Assistance for CSU Students


Note: The Nurse Helpline is not able to provide prescription refills or schedule appointments. These services are only available during normal business hours.


Departmental Checkout Process:

  • Notify Jess Means via email of your departure date at: 
  • Complete both sides of the Departmental Checkout Form.
  • Schedule a laboratory safety inspection to obtain an Advisor or Supervisor Clearance Signature on your Departmental Checkout Form.
    • Your Advisor or Supervisor must conduct a laboratory safety inspection of your area prior to your departure.
      • An Advisor or Supervisor Clearance Signature ensures in part:
        • All bottles of chemicals are properly labeled with names and any other available information (see OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1200).
        • All waste is properly labeled and prepared for pick up by Environmental Health Services.
        • The laboratory area is clean and compliant with departmental safety policies.
  • Put the following items in a sealed envelope:
    • Your completed and signed Departmental Checkout Form
    • Your Department of Chemistry keys (email me if you need a list of your assigned keys)
    • Your PCARD
    • Your Stockroom Card
    • Your RamCard (This card is the property of CSU.)
  • Drop off the envelope at the main office, B101, no later than your last day in the department.
Additional onboarding resources, including checklists for labs, are available for new faculty, staff, and students here.