Undergraduate Course Offerings
CHEM 103 Chemistry in Context
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Chemistry, chemical principles from more conceptual, less mathematical perspective; how chemical substances, chemical reactions affect our daily lives.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: For students who do not plan to take additional courses in chemistry. Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 104 Chemistry in Context Laboratory
CHEM 105 Problem Solving in General Chemistry
Credits: 2 (1-0-1)
Course Description: Foundational problem-solving skills in general chemistry to support students for later success in general chemistry courses.
Prerequisite: MATH 118 or MATH 141 or MATH 155 or MATH 160 or MATH 161 or MATH 229 or MATH 261.
Registration Information: Placement out of MATH 118. This is a partial semester course. Must register for lecture and recitation.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHEM 107 Fundamentals of Chemistry
Credits: 4 (4-0-0)
Course Description: Atomic/molecular theory, gases, liquids, solids, solutions, acid/base and oxidation/reduction reactions, kinetics, selected topics. Quantitative reasoning but with less focus on mathematical calculations than CHEM 111/CHEM 113.
Prerequisite: MATH 117 or MATH 141, may be taken concurrently or MATH 155, may be taken concurrently or MATH 160, may be taken concurrently or MATH 161, may be taken concurrently or MATH 229, may be taken concurrently or MATH 261, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: For students in science-related programs requiring one semester of general chemistry. Sections may be offered: Online. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 107, CHEM 111, CHEM 117, or CHEM 120.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 108 Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory
Credit: 1 (0-2-0)
Course Description: Laboratory applications of principles presented in CHEM 107.
Prerequisite: CHEM 107, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 108, CHEM 112, or CHEM 121.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
Credits: 4 (3-0-1)
Course Description: Fundamental aspects of chemistry and chemical principles; emphasis on structure, bonding, and stoichiometry.
Prerequisite: (MATH 118 or MATH 141 or MATH 155 or MATH 160 or MATH 161 or MATH 229 or MATH 261) and (CHEM 105).
Registration Information: CHEM 105 or an appropriate score in the chemistry preparation module. Must register for lecture and recitation. Intended for science majors. Students should complete the sequence CHEM 111, CHEM 112, CHEM 113, and CHEM 114. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 107, CHEM 111, CHEM 117, or CHEM 120.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 112 General Chemistry Laboratory I
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Laboratory applications of principles covered in CHEM 111.
Prerequisite: CHEM 111, may be taken concurrently or CHEM 117, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both CHEM 112 and CHEM 108.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 113 General Chemistry II
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Acid/base equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, solubility, oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemistry, selected topics.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 107 or CHEM 111 or CHEM 117) and (MATH 124 or MATH 141, may be taken concurrently or MATH 155, may be taken concurrently or MATH 160, may be taken concurrently or MATH 161, may be taken concurrently or MATH 229, may be taken concurrently or MATH 261, may be taken concurrently).
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 114 General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 115 General Chemistry II Recitation
Credit: 1 (0-0-1)
Course Description: Problem solving applied to topics in, e.g., acid/base equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, solubility, oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemistry.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Must have concurrent registration in CHEM 113.
Term Offered: Fall, Spring.
CHEM 120 Foundations of Modern Chemistry
Credits: 4 (3-0-1)
Course Description: Fundamental aspects of chemistry and chemical principles, with an emphasis placed on modern atomic and molecular structure theory, structure and reactivity.
Prerequisite: MATH 118 or MATH 141 or MATH 155 or MATH 160 or MATH 161 or MATH 229 or MATH 261.
Registration Information: Intended for Chemistry majors. Must register for lecture and recitation. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 107, CHEM 111, CHEM 117, or CHEM 120.
Terms Offered: Fall.
CHEM 121 Foundations of Modern Chemistry Laboratory
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Laboratory applications of principles covered in CHEM 120.
Prerequisite: CHEM 120, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Intended for Chemistry majors. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 108, CHEM 112, or CHEM 121.
Terms Offered: Fall
CHEM 192 Introductory Seminar in Chemistry
Credit: 1 (0-0-1)
Course Description: Small-group discussions of aspects of chemistry.
Prerequisite: None.
Term Offered: Fall.
CHEM 231 Foundations of Analytical Chemistry
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Fundamental chemical measurement science. Measuring chemical composition, either qualitative or quantitative, is essential to interact with the world and understand chemistry. Importance of equilibrium in making measurements.
Prerequisite: CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 or CHEM 120 and CHEM 121.
Registration Information: Chemistry majors only.
Terms Offered: Fall.
CHEM 232 Foundations of Analytical Lab
CHEM 241 Foundations of Organic Chemistry
Credits: 4 (3-0-1)
Course Description: Nomenclature, structure, bonding, reactions, mechanisms, synthesis, and the stereochemistry of organic compounds.
Prerequisite: CHEM 111 and CHEM 113 or CHEM 120.
Registration Information: Chemistry majors only. Must register for lecture and recitation. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 241, CHEM 245, CHEM 341, or CHEM 345.
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 242 Foundations of Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Laboratory applications of organic chemistry principles.
Prerequisite: CHEM 241, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Chemistry majors only.
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 245 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Credits: 4 (4-0-0)
Course Description: Nomenclature, structure, bonding, reactions, mechanisms, synthesis, stereochemistry of organic compounds.
Prerequisite: CHEM 107 or CHEM 113.
Registration Information: Intended for students in science-related programs requiring one semester of organic chemistry. Credit allowed for only one of the following: CHEM 245, CHEM 341, and CHEM 345. Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 246 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Credit: 1 (0-2-0)
Course Description: Laboratory applications of principles presented in CHEM 245.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 108 or CHEM 112 or CHEM 114) and (CHEM 245, may be taken concurrently).
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for students who have already taken CHEM 344.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 263 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry
Credits: 4 (3-0-1)
Course Description: Preparation, structures, properties, and reactions of chemical elements and inorganic compounds; periodic trends, organizing principles; applications.
Prerequisite: CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 or CHEM 120 and CHEM 121.
Registration Information: Must have concurrent registration in CHEM 264. Must register for lecture and recitation. Chemistry majors only. Credit not allowed for both CHEM 261 and CHEM 263.
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 264 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 301 Advanced Scientific Writing–Chemistry
Credits: 3 (1-4-0)
Course Description: Advanced scientific writing using the read-analyze-write approach and scientific poster preparation and presentation.
Prerequisite: (CO 150) and (CHEM 232 or CHEM 242 or CHEM 264 or CHEM 322 or CHEM 334 or CHEM 344 or CHEM 345 or CHEM 498).
Registration Information: Must register for lecture and laboratory.
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 311 Introduction to Nanoscale Science
CHEM 320 Chemistry of Addictions
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Chemical processes of addiction; receptor binding, molecular deactivation, and feedback in the context of protein-substrate molecular interactions.
Prerequisite: CHEM 241 or CHEM 245 or CHEM 341 or CHEM 345.
Registration Information: Junior standing.
Term Offered: Spring.
CHEM 321 Foundations of Chemical Biology
CHEM 322 Foundations of Chemical Biology Laboratory
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Chemical biology approaches used to illustrate how chemistry can be applied to manipulate and study biological problems using a combination of experimental techniques ranging from organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysical chemistry, and cell biology.
Prerequisite: BC 351, may be taken concurrently or CHEM 321, may be taken concurrently.
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 338 Environmental Chemistry
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Processes that control the fate of chemicals in the environment. Focus on the chemistry of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and soils, especially as it pertains to pollution of these environmental compartments. Topics covered in the course may include smog and air pollution, ocean acidification, acid mine drainage, pesticide chemistry, and heavy metal contamination.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 107 or CHEM 113 or CHEM 120 or CHEM 231 or CHEM 263) and (CHEM 241 or CHEM 245 or CHEM 341 or CHEM 345).
Terms Offered: Spring.
CHEM 341 Modern Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 343 Modern Organic Chemistry II
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Continued studies of reactions and mechanisms of organic molecules and biological chemistry.
Prerequisite: CHEM 241 with a minimum grade of C- or CHEM 245 with a minimum grade of C- or CHEM 341 with a minimum grade of C- or CHEM 345 with a minimum grade of C-.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both CHEM 343 and CHEM 346.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 344 Modern Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 371 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry
Credits: 4 (4-0-0)
Course Description: Quantum mechanics; molecular structure and spectroscopy; statistical and equilibrium thermodynamics; kinetics.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 232) and (MATH 161 or MATH 271) and (PH 141).
Registration Information: Chemistry majors only. Credit allowed for only one of the following CHEM 371, CHEM 473, or CHEM 474.
Terms Offered: Fall.
CHEM 372 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry Lab
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Laboratory experiments illustrate the Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry, including atomic and molecular spectroscopy, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics.
Prerequisite: CHEM 371, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Chemistry majors only. Credit not allowed for both CHEM 372 and CHEM 475.
Terms Offered: Fall.
CHEM 384 Supervised College Teaching
Credits: Var[1-3] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: CHEM 100 to 499 – at least 20 credits.
Registration Information: Written consent of department chair. Maximum of 12 credits for any combination of CHEM 384, CHEM 487, CHEM 495, CHEM 498. A maximum of 10 combined credits for all 384 and 484 courses are counted towards graduation requirements.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
CHEM 431 Instrumental Analysis
Credits: 4 (3-3-0)
Course Description: Instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
Prerequisite: CHEM 371 and CHEM 372 or CBE 310, may be taken concurrently or CHEM 473, may be taken concurrently or CHEM 474, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Must register for lecture and laboratory.
Term Offered: Spring.
CHEM 433 Clinical Chemistry
Credits: 3 (2-3-0)
Course Description: Principles and methodology of clinical chemistry. Laboratory experience in methodology and method development.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 334) and (BC 351 or BC 401).
Registration Information: Must register for lecture and laboratory.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
CHEM 440 Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 445 Synthetic Organic Chemistry
CHEM 448 Medicinal Chemistry
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Foundational understanding of how drugs function and affect biological systems, overview of the pharmaceutical industry, synthetic chemistry relevant to therapeutic compounds, introduction to process (scale up) chemistry, case studies of drug development.
Prerequisite: CHEM 241 or CHEM 343 or CHEM 346.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online. Credit not allowed for both CHEM 448 and CHEM 480A2.
Term Offered: Spring.
CHEM 461 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 462 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Credits: 2 (0-6-0)
Course Description: Synthetic techniques and instrumental methods in inorganic chemistry.
Prerequisite: CHEM 461, may be taken concurrently.
Term Offered: Spring.
CHEM 476 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 477 Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
Credit: 1 (0-3-0)
Course Description: Physiochemical experiments; emphasis on thermodynamics/statistical mechanics/kinetics; interpretation/presentation of data; formal lab reports.
Prerequisite: CHEM 475.
Term Offered: Spring.
CHEM 487 Internship
Credits: Var[1-12] (0-0-0)
Course Description: Supervised work experience in approved off-campus chemical laboratory setting. Consultation with faculty adviser/instructor.
Prerequisite: CHEM 476.
Registration Information: Maximum of 12 credits allowed for any combination of CHEM 384, CHEM 487, CHEM 495, and CHEM 498.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 493 Seminar
CHEM 495 Independent Study
Credits: Var[1-3] (0-0-0)
Course Description: Satisfactory completion of course requires a written report, an oral presentation at a research group meeting, or a poster presentation.
Prerequisite: CHEM 100 to 499 – at least 9 credits.
Registration Information: Written consent of laboratory mentor and department chair. Maximum of 12 credits for any combination of CHEM 384, CHEM 487, CHEM 495, and CHEM 498.
Term Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer..
CHEM 498 Research
Credits: Var[1-3] (0-0-0)
Course Description: Supervised laboratory research in chemistry; written report consistent with ACS guidelines required.
Prerequisite: CHEM 100 to 499 – at least 20 credits.
Registration Information: Written consent of research mentor and department chair. Maximum of 12 credits for any combination of CHEM 384, CHEM 487, CHEM 495, and CHEM 498.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
CHEM 499 Senior Thesis
Credits: 2 (0-0-2)
Course Description: Preparation of a written thesis and an oral defense, based upon undergraduate research performed or an internship experience, under the guidance of a thesis advisor and thesis committee.
Prerequisite: CHEM 487 or CHEM 498.
Registration Information: Senior standing. Written consent of department chair.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.