Joe Zadrozny Assistant Professor

Office: Chemistry Research 113

Phone: (970) 495-4168


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  • B.S. Virginia Tech
  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
  • Postdoctoral Appointment, Northwestern University


The magnetic moments of electrons and nuclei play important roles in applications spanning biomedical imaging, spintronics, and renewable energy. My group seeks to understand how chemical composition enables the dynamic and static control of these magnetic units. Specifically, we develop chemical design principles for materials and molecules that permit the command of the quantum origin of magnetism - spin. In pursuit of this goal, students in my group perform inorganic synthesis and modern spectroscopic and magnetic analyses. Current applications that we are working toward are radically new probes for magnetic resonance imaging, novel magnetic materials, and systems with reactivity controlled through magnetism.

Awards and Recognition

  • Cottrell Teacher-Scholar Award (Research Corp. for Scientific Advancement, 2021)
  • NSF CAREER Award (National Science Foundation, 2020)
  • Early Career (Pre-Tenure) Faculty Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award (CSU, 2020)
  • Trailblazer Award (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, 2018)
  • Outstanding Researcher Award (International Institute of Nanotechnology, 2016)
  • SciFinder Future Leader Award (CAS, 2016)
  • Award for Ph.D. Thesis in Molecular Magnetism (European Institute of Molecular Magnetism, 2016)

Selected Recent Publications

  • “Isotopomeric Elucidation of the Mechanism of Temperature Sensitivity in 59Co-NMR Molecular Thermometers” Ozvat, T. M.; Rappé, A. K.; Zadrozny, J. M.  Inorg. Chem. 202261, 778-785
  • “A Reaction-Coordinate Perspective of Magnetic Relaxation” Jackson, C. E.; Moseley, I. P.; Martinez, R.; Sung, S.; Zadrozny, J. M. Chem. Soc. Rev. 202150, 6684-6699.

  • "Programmable Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Ti(IV) Coordination Complexes" Johnson, S. J.; Jackson, C. E.; Zadrozny, J. M. Inorg. Chem. 202059, 7479-7486.

  • “Nuclear-Spin-Pattern Control of Electron-Spin Dynamics in a Series of V(IV) Complexes” Jackson, C. E.; Lin, C.-Y.; Johnson, S. H.; van Tol, J.; Zadrozny, J. M.  Chem. Sci. 201910, 8447-8454.

  • “Influence of Ligand Encapsulation on Cobalt-59 Chemical-Shift Thermometry” Ozvat, T. M.; Peña, M. E.; Zadrozny, J. M. Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 6727-6734.

  • "Millisecond Coherence Time in a Tunable Molecular Electronic Spin Qubit" Zadrozny, J. M.; Niklas, J.; Poluektov, O. G.; Freedman, D. E. ACS Cent. Sci. 20151, 488-492.
