Steven Strauss Professor Emeritus

Office: Chemistry C229E

Phone: (970) 491-5104


  • Ph.D., Northwestern University


We are interested in a wide range of topics in the chemical sciences. Our projects are multidisciplinary, including state-of-the-art chemical synthesis and in a wide array of physicochemical techniques. Several projects have a strong theoretical component that my students and postdocs pursue with collaborators here and elsewhere. All of our projects have fundamental research and applied research components, tailored to the interests of my coworkers. Some Strauss Research Group graduate students spend time abroad in other research laboratories, performing specialized experiments, gaining valuable technical experience, and making important contacts for their future careers. My former coworkers go on to a wide variety of careers in chemistry in a wide range of geographic locations. Some students took postdoctoral research positions before seeking a permanent job. Some have assumed teaching positions at research universities, and most go on to research, management, or technical positions in chemical or high-tech industries. For detailed information about our research and other Strauss Group endeavors, go to the Strauss Group web site.
