Carmen Menoni University Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office: Engineering ERC B3

Phone: (970) 491-8659


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  • Ph.D., Colorado State University


Since 1991 Professor Menoni has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at CSU where she is presently Professor. Prof. Menoni’s research bridges from material to optical sciences. She is engaged in the growth and characterization of high bandgap oxide materials for the engineering of interference coatings for high power lasers. She is also actively involved in using bright coherent beams of light of wavelengths between 10-50 nm for optics applications such as imaging and ablation. Prof. Menoni and her team received in 2008 a “R&D 100 Award” for the invention of a table-top 46.9 nm wavelength microscope that can capture images in a single 1 nanosecond with wavelength spatial resolution. Prof. Menoni is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), fellow of the American Physical Society, the Optical Society of America and  of SPIE. Prof. Menoni was selected as  IEEE Distinguished Lecturer  for 2014.  Prof. Menoni has served IEEE Photonics Society  in the capacity of the Board of Governors member from 2006-2008 and Vice-President for Publications since 2007. Prof. Menoni is founding and present  Editor in Chief of IEEE Photonics Journal.
