For More Information contact: Heather Pidcoke,
Please join us for the next session of TMI Research Pillar Talks!
The goal of this series is to provide a forum in which to present topics related to research, including research ideas, research support, innovation support, proposals, protocols, data, abstracts, posters, or oral presentations for discussion with colleagues, feedback, exchange of ideas, etc. Everyone at CSU is welcome, whether affiliated with TMI or not. We welcome participation and discussion following each presentation. Participation by ZOOM will be available, link to follow. Networking on the TMI Terrace to follow if the weather cooperates or in the Grand Events Hall if it does not. Open bar and snacks will be available. For suggestions re future presentation topics, please email:
Graduate students and postdocs are welcome to suggest their research as a topic for future meetings (please obtain the approval of your mentor and ensure that your mentor can attend).
This session will be comprised of three short talks describing some of the research on campus regarding brain injury and/or function, including work from two researchers in training (see *). The talks will be followed by a networking event in which you have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss projects in an informal setting.
WHEN: Thursday, July 25, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
WHERE: Translational Medicine Institute – Grand Events Hall, 3rd floor (TMI 330)
4:00 PM – 4:10 PM: Dr. Russ Anthony will present “In vivo manipulation of placental function in sheep and steady-state assessment of maternal-fetal interactions”
4:10 PM – 4:20 PM: Discussion
4:20 PM – 4:30 PM: Dr. Gerrit Bouma will present “Using placental specific gene targeting to study epigenetic regulation of sex steroid signaling in pregnancy and fetal development”
4:30 PM – 4:40 PM: Discussion
4:40 PM – 4:50 PM: Katie Bisazza*, PhD Candidate and Dr. Jeremiah Easley will present “Transgenic sheep models of orthopedic disease. Knock out/knock in of sheep gene(s) predicted to cause osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and intervertebral disc disease”
4:50 PM – 5:00 PM: Discussion
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Open bar, snacks, and networking – TMI Terrace/TMI Grand Events Hall, 3rd floor