Volker Sauerland, Ph.D.
Speaker's Institution
Bruker Daltonics
Chemistry A101
Mixer Time
Mixer Time
Chemistry B101E
Calendar (ICS) Event
Additional Information
We are very excited to announce the arrival of our brand new Bruker ultrafleXtreme mass spectrometer, a state-of-the-art high resolution MALDI-TOF/TOF system that is well suited for the analysis of a wide variety of macromolecules like synthetic polymers, nanoparticles, proteins, peptides, and other biologically derived polymers, as well as small molecules that are difficult to analyze by other mass spectrometry methods.
We hope you can join us for a special ultrafleXtreme applications seminar in person in Chemistry A101 (zoom also available) presented by Dr. Volker Sauerland (MALDI Application Specialist for Bruker Daltonics) and, immediately following, the Grand Opening reception at the ARC where there will be opportunities for additional Q&A with Dr. Sauerland and the ARC team along with food and beverages!
Event Details for Tuesday, August 30th, 2022:
Seminar: 4 – 5pm
Location: Classic Chemistry Building, A101 or on zoom.
If you attend virtually, please utilize the chat feature for the Q&A session as this will be a hybrid meeting.
Reception: 5 – 6:30pm
Location: Classic Chemistry Building, ARC Basement Main Lab C03/05
Come see the new ultrafleXtreme system and enjoy some light snacks, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic beverages courtesy of Bruker Daltonics.
Use the following link to register for the seminar : https://www.research.colostate.edu/arc/arc-seminar-series/
If you are not already on the list, and you would like to stay up-to-date on the happenings at the Analytical Resources Core, please subscribe to our ARC email list here.