Kate Kostenkova, a fourth-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University, received the Society of Bioinorganic Chemistry Flash Presentation Award at the 1st Electronic Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (eBIC). This virtual conference was hosted by the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, which is the premier society for bioinorganic chemists. This international award recognized best talks given at the very first virtual bioinorganic chemistry meeting. This virtual event provided the opportunity for the international bioinorganic chemistry community to remain connected until in-person meetings resume. The next in-person meeting is scheduled for 2023.
Working in the Crans group, Kostenkova’s research bridges the area of bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistries, but her presentation at eBIC describes the development of vanadium-based anticancer therapeutics. The eBIC flash presentation gave her an opportunity to present her research and network with the international bioinorganic chemistry community and she won one of the nine awards presented world-wide.
Congratulations, Kate!