Rebekka Klausen, Ph.D.
Speaker's Institution
Johns Hopkins University
Virtual Seminar
Mixer Time
Mixer Time
Calendar (ICS) Event
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About the Seminar:

In the Silicon Age, the experience of daily life includes tools made from this ubiquitous semiconductor: computers, solar cells, and many more. Yet silicon synthesis relies on top-down, high-temperature approaches that yield only the most thermodynamically stable forms of silicon. Uncovering new structure-function space demands a different synthetic vision. This talk will describe the synthesis of molecular and polymeric silanes inspired by the complexity, selectivity, and elegance of target-oriented organic synthesis. Topics include the chemoselective polymerization of novel bifunctional silane monomers, selective preparation of linear and cyclic polycyclosilanes, and the stereocontrolled synthesis of cis- and trans-siladecalin. Approaches to the structural characterization of novel silane architectures will also be discussed.

About the Speaker: Rebekka Klausen | Department of Chemistry | Johns Hopkins University (jhu.edu)


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